
Showing posts from October, 2019

My Top 9 Board Games With Elaboration

I did a write up of my top 9 favorite board games. They are in order of my favorites with the best at the number one position. Granted the top five really are all so close and I love each one so much. It’s like when someone asks you ‘what’s your your favorite movie?’ It kind of depends on the mood you’re in. Are you in the mood for Max Max Fury Road, to watch things explode and the world revel in its' utter insanity (KDM), or do you want to watch Tinkerbell and snuggle with your three year old (Heldentaufe)? It depends on the mood. I know it goes without saying but I'm going to say it anyways. These games are my personal favorites, that's it. It's ok that they are my favorites or that some of them you may hate or not even heard of them. Furthermore, what makes them special to me is often the memories I have associated with the games. Dice Forge was one of the first games that my wife enjoyed playing with me. Santorini reminds me of times spent with one of my b...